The Stories of Archetypes
In Jungian psychology, Hermes (up top), is the archetype that mediates between the conscious and unconscious minds and is a key figure in healing (note his scepter) and in alchemical transformation. For the ancient Greeks, Hermes was the god of communication and the messenger of the gods to mortals. In our time, we can view him as sharing archetypal insights with us. Often shown with winged feet, he sped messages along, as modern technology does now. Happily, the authors of the blogs in this section can share wisdom about archetypes with you by writing on keyboards and then hitting send, while the ancient woman (above) must laboriously carve his wisdom in stone [CSP1] .
I love movies and believe they have a very important role in our individual and collective lives.
I was thrilled to join some of my former neighbors to share about my new book.
What Stories Are YouLiving? guides you through the journey of discovering and understanding the archetypes active in your life.
Great news! You can now download Mapping the Organizational Psyche: A Jungian Theory of Organizational Dynamics and Change free of charge.
Understanding Ourselves Through Story with Carol S. Pearson and John Trybus
Myth Salon with Dr. Carol Pearson: Archetypal Narratives for Everyday Life.
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