Upcoming Events: Living Fully in Your 3rd 30+ Years!

Join me for a virtual exploration into living fully into our later 30 years from an archetypal perspective.

Living Fully in Your 3rd 30+ Years!

September 10/17/24, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm

The following is being offered by Zoom through the Columbia Center for Spiritual Living. To register, email info@Columbiacsl.com or go to www.Columbiacsl.com.

Registration cost: $75

Jung focused on the important transition that occurs in the second half of life, but we are living longer now, leading many of us, who are in our 3rd 30 years, to reflect on what this third life stage is about. In the class, we will begin by exploring our life blessings and challenges. We will then utilize archetypal insights and language to conduct a life review, with a focus on what strengths gained when, what abilities are helping us now, or could, and what interests us that might help us respond to a new calling. In this process, we will also explore ways that the archetypes in question may be expressed in different decades within these 30 years, and how experiencing a sense of Oneness with the Divine in the All elevates their expression at any time of life.

Join this conversation online via your
preferred social media network.

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